ADHD through the roof? Yeah, I don't need espresso. Every day is a bad day in the end call it depresso Every guy i like Just so happens he's a psycho, Guess that's my fault Wanna be a VYSCO girl But I don't have a filter Maybe I would smile more If my lips had a filler. Maybe all my problems Would just disappear, If i was a bit thinner So i skip my dinner. Ohhh, ohhh, ohh I'm really going through it But this is all i do Self-help, post a picture validating myself Text a boy at three a.m. for my health I could use some therapy I'm unwell, yeah but all I got is self-help I'm takin depression naps Stalk my exes girlfriend, Just to make me mad. Answer some DMs 'cause I could use some friends That the tension really sends Mmmmmhh Dadadadaa I'm reallly going through it This is all i do Mmmh, mmmmh Self-help Post a picture validating myself Text a boy at three a.m. for my health I could use some therapy, I'm unwell Yeah, but all I got is self-help Daaadadadaa All i got is self-help Hmmmhhmmhmm Yeah all i got is self-help