Looking back at the places I've seen I've been thinking of things That should not be Once again in a place so grim It's been sparking up thoughts That I once lived, yeah And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing Put him in a chokehold Bass is knocking I don't really care if it's all for nothing Somewhat like a vibe But it still means something Some like it hot Even if it's melting Put it in the cold If the ice is melting Living like a tribe While it still means something Like a scene that was made for the screen I feel it cutting through the seams Of my last dream A body more and a body less It's the balancing of stress That I now live, yeah And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing Yeah Yeah Yeah Put him in a chokehold Bass is knocking I don't really care if it's all for nothing Somewhat like a vibe But it still means something Put him in a chokehold Bass is knocking I don't really care if it's all for nothing Somewhat like a vibe But it still means something But it still means something And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing And it's all for nothing