He will clothe the poor with crowns In the kingom He calls theirs He will raise them to the halls of heaven And release their earthly cares. And the hard times they will come The black clouds they will break But His riches come with the morning sun And they grow green fields of grace So let all condemnation cease Let guilt have no more claim Let the devil lose all dominion The Lamb of God He came! The Lamb of God was slain! The Lamb of God was raised! The strong ones and the weak Are the same under His blood For empty handed all must come To receive His endless love So let all condemnation cease Let guilt have no more claim Let the devil lose all dominion The Lamb of God He came! The Lamb of God was slain! The Lamb of God was raised! We will fix our wandering eyes On the wonders of our Lord By His sacred stripes we have been healed Through His wounds our joys' supplied So let all condemnation cease Let guilt have no more claim Let the devil lose all dominion The Lamb of God He came! The Lamb of God was slain! The Lamb of God was raised!