Is this the way we repay our God? Who among us has he not made? Forsaking His face for the sculpted things We have shaped with our evil hands. And where are they now? Our silent golden cows? His swift and jealous arm has thrown them down. Lift up your eyes little ones Rejoice, chosen sons For his thirsty sword is quenched, dispatching all our sin With His redeeming love, with his redeeming love. Is this the way we repay our God? Who among us can he not save? We distilled our drink with the fangs of snakes That glide in the fallow dust And where are they now? Our worthless, golden cows. His anger melt them down. And we drank them till we drowned Only Christ pure blood can flush the poison out Lift up your eyes little ones Rejoice, chosen sons For his thirsty sword is quenched, dispatching all our sin With His redeeming love, with his redeeming love.