I was swimming in a sky falling river I was driven by the sound I was waking up early in the morning I was sleeping on the ground I was walking in a crater of diamonds I was talking to a dog I was thinking those thoughts against anyone I was singing a simple song Rivers of gold Rivers of gold Isn't it fine When your time Ain't biting so Rivers of gold I was working in a gold rush city I was playing in a band We had an understanding Only we could understand I was making a decent living In the Yukon Territory Thinking of all those who came before me I'm the one most free Rivers of gold Rivers of gold Isn't it fine When your time Ain't biting so Rivers of gold I was pissing off of the mountain Free of fear and full of loss I was standing beside the highway Feeling forcings' flags adjust I was waking up early in the morning I was sleeping on the ground I was swimming in a sky falling river I was driven by the sound Rivers of gold Rivers of gold Isn't it fine When your time Ain't biting so Rivers of gold