You Are Just Here You Are Just Here You Are Just Here Just Here Just Here Just Here Is RHYME convincing YAJH You Are Just Here You Are Just Here You Are Just Here You Are Just Here You Are Just Here Is RHYME convincing? Is RHYME convincing? Is RHYME convincing? Yeah YAJH convincing You Are Just Here YAJH You Are Just Here 蛇が尾を食べると、サムサラの輪が壊れます。 (When the snake eats its tail, the Samsara circle is broken) しかし、私は納得していますか? (But am I convinced?) Is the person writing? Can the person produce the music? Can the person use their voice? Can the person entertain? Can the person be a future rock star, pop star? Can they be a celebrity? Do they have a name? Can this person dress like a fashion icon, blogger? Are they a credible musician? What boundaries does the person wish'th to push? Uh What knots are they doing, un-doing? For how much can this person seduce ya, Medusa YAJH How can you convince me? YAJH Am I convincing? Am I convincing? YAJH Is RHYME convincing? YAJH You Are Just Here YAJH