Torch the shelters of young slaves Mold their ashes into claves and play Soil white weddings gowns with phlegm as black as coal and promise then Not to hold your horses Rusted wires welt the world and circumcise als gilded curls Please be Excruciatingly obscene let's make those whippersnappers squeal Overturn them! Faint hearts do fear To fire their rounds all over these scorched grounds Here it was where my only love roamed for years on end And here it is where I can never pass by again Take away from all the poor lost in delusions Of grandeur Bathe your body in the mud and flood the gutters with the blood Of the newborns Emperors have left their thrones Hear the screaming an the moans Of the dregs Close your eyes and count to five Pack a rifle or a knife Let's overturn them! Faint hearts do fear To fire their rounds all over these scorched grounds Here it was where my only love roamed for years on end And here it is where I can never pass by again Faint hearts do fear To fire their rounds all over these scorched grounds Here it was where my only love roamed for years on end And here it is where I can never pass by again