Walk right by me I'll be glad to have you in my life a while There's always room for one more Eat! Drink! Lay down with the beauties of this earthly world I think that they want to lay down with you In the morning Getting stronger, getting richer by the day That's the way that it was meant to be They won't tell you But there was once a time when we all lived that way That was before the money came raining down on us Now: my soul is a pilgrim And my body is barely keeping up And one day, it won't keep up any more And on that day I'll go sailing through the clouds (crowds) Through the stars On a Solar Highway to my god But till then I'm still healthy Sitting in the morning sun With no one around to sit down next to me They all know it They all know I've got that kind of soul and they run away They all know that kind of soul won't stay long Oh my god, come take me I just cannot wait another day Oh my god! Come take me away!