I lay on the bed in the dark Laughing at things i think of Getting off on the pornography of my past Lighting matches and dropping them Into a wet glass It's summer now and it's hot And the sweat pours out And the air is the same as my body And I breathe my body inside out With sunlight around my skin turns brown And you wouldn't know me from your pa or Adam or Allah But I haven't changed No, I haven't changed Day is all that resolves All we need is here on earth About every other day Scratch marks on my knees since I've been running The bramble lee The bramble lee The bramble lee The bramble lee When I'd much rather be wanting to be Running the loping Peace on your hand Don't be silly But peace on my body When tired and beaten All we need is here on earth About every other day Oh, to live in the country With a chicken and those other things Where the hills loping Where the dress and the hair in the river Undulating To take a wife and no paper Never again to wonder Did that rapper rape her All we need is here on earth About every other day All we need is here on earth About every other day