Here in Rodriguez The warm is a lover A hand full of rainfall A kiss from a stranger Who shouts from the terrace You're all still in danger! I was once you Only here Only younger I gave up my laughter To pay off my ransom As I strolled into diners With skies of fluorescent Married to pay phones And numbers in stalls My name is your husbands His name a last call Here in Apache I sat in the front seat Convincing the crosswords To lay here in lowercase Stop lighting fashion And you in your overcoat Talking of movies And families not seen before I was kept quiet In the back of a trailer Holding the tapes Of songs never heard Coughing up desert He smiled then assured me All is not lost only hidden till later Here in Elaina The skies are a firework show No ticket is needed to enter here Two step your way down The street I first met you on You and your radio Me and my grandmama Dressed in her turquoise And me with Loraine Walking like ghosts in the frame Blurring the photos You shouted "Forget it!" All is not lost If you stand still and wait for it Night time Laredo The stars are a stanza The parking lot poems I scrawled onto paper bags This will go nowhere Addressing the atmosphere I was a nobody Talking to tape machines Recording the T.V And the sound of my voice Playing it back at half speed Pulling the bed sheets And frames from the walls Searching for peace That was mine all along