This is Big Machine Radio And we have the ultimate tour guide To take us through Thomas Rhett's new album "Country Again: Side A" It's Thomas Rhett He's given us the inside stories for all of these songs And this next one is gonna warn you If you've lost somebody close to you Or maybe if you haven't If you got a heart that is easily tagged on You probably get to want a tissue Before you listen to "Heaven Right Now" But Thomas, I know this has a very personal sentiment And background to it So tell people about "Heaven Right Now" So "Heaven Right Now" probably Is one of the hardest songs that I've written Because I've never written a song so blatantly about my buddy Me and Lauren's friend that passed away about nine years ago And I-, Lauren and I, both still wear this bracelet That I'm sure a lot of people singin', photos Or whatever-, a lot of people asks what it stands for And this reason that show Em passed away about nine years ago And-, and this song would kind of we're shaped around this idea Of like, I wonder what people are doing in heaven right now And just like while we're living life down here Like what is happening elsewhere like our people Or are they really driving out streets to go older? Are they really bungee jumping off clouds? Are they-, are they really doing all these things? And-, and it kinda more often to this idea of like Every time I do certain things in my life That remind me of my friend that passed I sort of to have this conversation myself like "Hey man," like, "Things are still pretty normal down here" "Got kids now, what are you doing up there?" You know, and-, and this whole concept of like I just wonder while I'm living this life down here like "What are you doing up there?" I'm so curious to know And uh, like I said, one of the hardest songs that I've been a part of writing Just on the sheer fact of like bringin' up you know Old winds and you know every time you talk about loss I mean there's definitely comes a point where you I don't wanna say you get over it, but you learn how to live with it And you know, especially watching my wife deal with that Well it was a tough time for sure But sometimes when I don't know how to say things just in conversation Somehow they come out in a song And that's one-, that's ones that came out in a song Again, it's called "Heaven Right Now" And man I just love this song It's on Big Machine Radio And you'll find it on Thomas' new album "Country Again: Side A"