I'm sitting by my window watching the lights down the road I always do that when the day fades away and night comes on Somehow I got to realize this strange Feeling; a different atmosphere I don't know As if this night wouldn't be like all the others I feel so tense It's worth the expectation of things to come What's going on Footsteps are calling me Invitation It's this strange song that makes me listen attentively Soft vibrations caress my skin and I fear the reaction of my body What happens outside? Invitation Through the window I get a view that almost stops my heart The night is more than dark But this Arabian queen is waving at me I feel it She's covered by a wrap down to her feet Those eyes arise and catching mine A lash of passion I cannot explain She's talking to me and her lips are turned to stone What has she got to say? I cannot understand Invitation Say what? Oh no I can't No I don't dare Why have you chosen me? Oh come on - it's not true I believe you I see You got me Oh you got me I'll try Invitation