But the Days and Nights Are Long (formerly known as: Boulder Hotel Room) * Cheryl Wheeler * Life is short, but the days and nights are long * Time will heal all these wounds * Some day soon * I'll be rising I'll be strong * But now I'm loosing all my battles * Now I'm down and dropping still * And this snow's blowing through * Like some ghost * With this blue I know too well * Broken hearts keep on beating just the same * So I guess I can too * Go through these moves * Facing forward, walking straight * But now my glance keeps drifting downward * Now my feet can't find their way * And this cold's creeping in * Through my bones * Whisperin it's here to stay * I'll bide my time, like there's any other way * It moves too slow, moves too fast * It's gone and past * And stopped entirely today * I know there's light on some horizon * But I can't see so far ahead * Patience and grace, blessed is love * I'm loosin my faith * In most of that stuff those wise men said