How sweet is the dreamers night To wipe everything clean In this world that will never be mine I dream We're all looking for comfort But haunted by pain It takes more than one sleepless night in the rain All the people gather to see how he lived But tonight the poet sleeps with me The poet sleeps And how sad is the loser's plight Drunk in the streets To see a flame in the dark gently disappear We are all looking for someone but fate has it's ways To see the face of love gently move away All the people gather to see how he lived But tonight the poet sleeps with me The poet sleeps with me The poet sleeps with me 'Sperai! Cai no areal e na hora adversa Que Deus concede aos seus Para o intervalo em que esteja a alma imersa Em sonhos que são Deus. Que importa o areal e a morte e a desventura Se com Deus me guardei?