In these assembly of true believers We're called to worship in one accor Of the same heart, of the same mind Obeying our Lord Giving Him Glory, our eyes are open To see His power extend through man Sharing the faith, sharing the hope In Jesus we stand We are the holy nation Drawn into strength by praises Gathered in celebration Unto the chosen one Now as His body, His incarnation Let us go out with our vision changed We set apart, our lives, our hearts To honor His Name We are the holy nation Drawn into strength by praises Gathered in celebration Unto the chosen one Only the hearts that imbrace in worship See His Kingdom come Mortal Joins the mighty chorus Which the morning stars begun Father love is reigning o'er us Brother love binds man to man We are the holy nation Drawn into strength by praises Gathered in celebration Unto the chosen one Gathered in celebration Unto the chosen one We are the holy nation