Horror Host: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to the Monster Bash. Tonight, you will meet the scariest monsters of all time. What? You don't believe in monsters? Then, why don't you follow me To the torture chamber. For those who don't believe? Will soon be convinced. At the stroke of midnight, Witches fly by moonlight, Casting evil spells... on children that we know. Now there's a nice-looking young man, Except when the moon is full, I afraid you'll run for your eyes, kiddies. Otherwise... you, could've end up as their midnight snack. Full moon and Wolfbane, drive the werewolf insane. Stalking in the woods at night, beware its fatal might. Shoot the silver bullet, straight to its evil heart, make sure your aim is true or you will be torn to parts. Well, who do we have here... my old friend, Igor. Igor: Look master... I have the brain. I like mine scramble with those, thank you. Isn't this the Frankenstein's monster? Don't scream too loudly Or you'll might wake him. The Mad Doctor: It's alive! It's alive!...Good god... it's alive. In the dark castle, lives Dr. Frankenstein. Igor finds the body parts, for the monster and his bride. On the bolt of lightning, Very, very frightening. Sneaking up behind you, he's going to find you. ... Isn't that Count Dracula? I