Look I grew up in a good but a changing age My wife and kids, Damon Wayne's When the youth club was Everybody's favorite place Where if you spoke to a girl Then it was face to face Bro I've seen the heart of a hood Turn trendy Kids lose interest Parks turn empty Social media has got us all Less friendly Now can't you see the irony She's got game when she types to me But nothing in person That ain't the type for me Askin "Can we go to dinner yet?" In the flesh No conversation, nor intellect The future generation are the children of the internet Look It's all changing I'm seeing it now You can meet a hundred people Without leaving your house Putting pictures in the frames and memories in the cloud You know everybody keeps their memories in the cloud We finally found a voice and we ain't speaking as loud People only wanna listen to the sheep in the crowd And any other statement gets you cancelled by an activist That's never helped with the cause they're tweeting about Do you blame public figures and personalities For giving little kids a warped view of reality Or blame all the apps that make a killing In finding a sweet spot in your self hating vanity Could you argue that it's boarderline dangerous To take a picture of a girls face and start changing it In one quick filter Your nose looks thinner Your eyes look fuller Your lips look bigger Your software is better and your phone knows everything If anything it's getting George Orwellian Look It's all connected Nobody's protected from business collectives Your info's collected (Children of the internet) (Children of the internet) (Your info collected) As a species we now have to redefine what it means to be connected (Children of the internet) A recent study showed that the average person earnestly At least swipes, taps, pinches their phone at least A million times a year (Your info collected) People feel naked, inadequate and utterly vulnerable Without their phone It's a primary conduit of personal, social, and work life (Children of the internet) There are more active cell phones on the planet than people The mobile phone is both a connection and a disconnection device It is typically placed between a human and its surroundings Tuning it's surrounding out