I remember the first day of first grade With a brand new 24 pack Red and white and blue and brown and black I counted the hours till arts and crafts When the coloring sheets got passed It was a picture of the Christ child And we let our colors run wild Everybody colored their own Jesus Everybody colored their own Jesus No one foolish enough To say who can and can't be loved Everybody colored their own Jesus It's just a simple illustration Wide open to interpretation A rose by any other name But the thorns are deep down in our veins Everybody colors their own Jesus Everybody colors their own Jesus No one foolish enough To say who can and can't be loved Everybody colors their own Jesus Maybe its true that he made you in his image and likeness But who was it that made you so goddamn self righteous Everybody colored their own Jesus Everybody colored their own Jesus No one foolish enough To say who can and can't be loved Everybody colored their own Jesus Everybody colors their own Jesus Everybody colors their own Jesus We are forgiven of our crimes Of going way outside the lines Everybody colors their own Jesus Lest ye be judged