He is the One who heals His people And He would make their burdens light He kept them safe through wind and rains And the battles they would fight And gave them courage in the night Their story echos through the ages Their record safe for you and me And when the mists of darkness rise And the wars and storms increase We'll know where we can turn for peace And from every place there's a message that means To sinners and saints and to beggers and thieves Truth! Come unto Christ, from darkness to light He is hope and turning and peace in the strife Come unto Christ in struggle and scorn He is Love that changes everything And Grace to bring us safely home He is like the young and fearless warrior He's like the young and fearless warrior We come with bold unshaken faith We come with bold unshaken faith For those who put their trust in God Knowing He'll prepare a way We'll come unwavering, unafraid We'll learn that we are made to serve HIm We'll learn that we are made to serve HIm We'll put our swords and sins away We'll put our swords and sins away And we'll defend the truth we love and the saints in every age The sacred record shows the way And from every place there's a message that means To sinners and saints and to beggers and thieves Truth! Come unto Christ, from darkness to light He is hoping and turning and peace in the strife Come unto Christ in struggle and scorn He is Love that changes everything And Grace to bring us safely home He is Love that changes everything And Grace to bring us safely home