What manner of man is this? Who blasphemes from his lips? Claims power over death and rumor says He's raised one from the crypt What manner of man is this? (What manner of man is this?) (The law says no) (Who does this man think He is?) (No, no) (The law says no) (Kill Him) What manner of man is this? Who calls us hypocrites? He heals on the Sabbath and He feeds five thousand With five loaves and two fish What manner of man is this? (What manner of man is this?) What manner of man is He? Who walks on Galilee? He forgives sins, eats with publicans And is obeyed by a fig tree Sweet Israel tell me please What manner of man is He? Who walks into this country Breaking age old laws Proclaims to be the King of Jews Says He's the Son of God And he calls us hypocrites What manner of man is this? What manner of man is this? Who walks among hypocrites? He heals on the Sabbath and He feeds five thousand With five loaves and two fish He heals on the Sabbath and He feeds five thousand With five loaves and two fish What manner of man is this? What manner of man is He? Who walks on Galilee? He forgives sins, eats with publicans And with a touch He healed me (Hum-hum) Sweet Israel tell me please What manner of man is He? Who walks throughout this country Breaking age old laws Proclaims to be the King of Jews And the Son of God Proclaims to be the King of Jews And the Son of God Is it He of holy wit? What manner of man is this? What manner of man Is this?