It isn't about having all the persons of the world for you It is about to know that somewhere, someone watches over you It is about to sing and listen more than your own voice It is about to dance under the rain of life that falls above us It's about how to feel infinite into a so vast and beautiful universe It's about knowing how to dream And then make worth every verse of that poem to believe It isn't about arriving at the top Of the world knowing that you've won It is about climbing and feeling that your road made you stronger It is about being a shelter and being home in other hearts And then having friends with you in all the situations We can't have everything What would be the fun of Earth if it were this way? That's why I prefer smiles And gifts that life brought near of me It isn't about everything your money is capable of buying And it is about every moment where we share when we're smiling And also it isn't about rushing time to always have more Because before you even notice, life was already left behind