Scream door slappin' somewhere on a side porch A sleepy morning way out in the boon docks Stories are being told on the red clay Every clays where wecame from to begin with And where were going when time comes for splitting Sands –being- dug on the red clay Moving, Always moving Morning, Midnight sleep tight Someone's playing something on the back steps The happy fac-es look out of the windows Al-ways something good on the red clay Waiting fir the paper in the evening You watch the roses climb out of their earth bed's Lives being lived on the red clay Moving down my baby when he's tired out I tell her fun things and watch him strat smiling Nobody's even sat on my red clay Your move, My move check me He moves, They move dig me Red clay's just a dirt but it's a large sum So what you doing just sitting there goofin' Always a lot to do on the red clay.