Jordan: When we first moved to the UK... Mum: Mhm Jordan: How long did it take me to learn English? Mum: The first week, we started at the nursery behind McDonald There was an article in the newspaper, I think After two months two and a half, I think And they were like complimenting you saying "Eh, there's a boy who was speaking French, but now it's all gone." "He's fluent in English." Maybe just two and a half. It didn't take you long Jordan: Did it scare you that I might forget my French? Mum: Not really scared, but yeah it's always good to keep... Jordan: A balance Mum: Yeah, a balance of both languages. Yeah Jordan: Did you ever feel like an outsider in some Of the places you went to? Or like you didn't belong? Mum: No, not really. The people were friendly. I feel it now I feel it more now. Not in the 90s. Now you feel like you go and look for a job It's like you've come and taken my place Even though they're not working Jordan: Mm. People have changed, yeah Mum: Oh, mhh. Changing not for the best, but for the worse Jordan: Hmm, we'll see Mum: Um, hmm