Trini decides to play brazen And pay back Baj with the old medicine He said Baj long time I asking you To try some crab and calalloo Just behind the WC you gon get big crab in quantity Baj eat but he didn't know the crab by the WC was crap oo He said good lord crab and calalloo Is sweeter than fried fish and coco When I go I'm going to tell Gertrude She must come Trinidad and enjoy good food Good lord Next morning very early Baj look till he find Trini He said Trini man a looking for you I enjoyed that crab and calalloo Maaaan that thing is really sweet It's the sweetest crab meat I have met When I dashed me knife and the fork Oh Lord she eat like just a piece of pork Good lord crab and calalloo is sweeter than fried fish and coco When I go I'm going to tell Gertrude she Must come to Trinidad and enjoy good life He said Trini that was a lovely stew I did just as you asked me to I waited till the oil was hot Before I push in the crab inside the pot Then I walk up my hand with lele stick To make the calalloo coming quick Oh lord what a lovely pot Ashamed to say I eat like a glutton Good lord crab and calalloo is sweeter than fried fish and coco When I go I'm going to tell Gertrude she Must come to Trinidad and enjoy good food Good lord Baj said Trini There's one thing I can't unfold Like the Trinidad crab do not live in hole All of them like to live on top Then you try to hold them they start to hop One get away from me last night Or many are you want to fight man I scramble In back he start balling oh Ma nack oh ma nack Good lord crab and calalloo is sweeter than fried fish and coco When I go I'm going to tell Gertrude she Must come to Trinidad and enjoy good food