सम्हालेर हेर न तिम्रो त्यो नजरले नै ढलिसकेँ म, सकेन, नतड्पाऊ न मुस्काएर जिस्काऊ न तिम्रो त्यो हँसिलो मुहारमा चन्द्रमा देखेर रम्दछु म I'm a little bit cautious And a little bit thoughtless Will you be a bit toxic for me, baby, please? Got this heart in my chest, full of unrest Fighting a war in my mind Reason don't reason where I am Is it too much to ask for some love in the morning? I just want you holding me तिम्रो न्यानो अँगालोमा मलाई बाँधिदेऊ सम्हालेर हेर न तिम्रो त्यो नजरले नै ढलिसकेँ म, सकेन, नतड्पाऊ न मुस्काएर जिस्काऊ न तिम्रो त्यो हँसिलो मुहारमा चन्द्रमा देखेर रम्दछु म And these moments are torture You must know that I want ya 'Cause even these stolen glances feel like conversations I'm staying up too late You got me wide awake And I'm saving my best for last ♪ नढाँटेर भन न, तिम्रै भाकामा अल्झेँ म सब चाहेका कुरा पाएछि झन् अधुरो लागेछ I'm not known for the crushing You got me beaming and blushing यो के भाको? भन न सम्हालेर हेर न सम्हालेर हेर सम्हालेर हेर न सम्हालेर हेर सम्हालेर हेर न