With a wish tied to each wrist The grown up child in me exists When bearded man and boy permit I wish I was a wish I was a wish I was away Atop a hill I climbed to play I looked around and got afraid My stomach dropped yet still I stayed A wish I was a wish I was away I felt the tracks and from the trees A magpie had a word with me He told me that I once was he A wish I was away Magpie gestured with a nod It became clear that it was God Had I met God atop a hill A wish I was away God said keep it simple friend Your limitless there is no end I love you unconditionally A wish I am a way So I climbed down with mucky knees No lightning rod of effigies Only a magpie on a breeze A wish I was away I kept on walking Long story short Intent on mapping my own course That message came straight from the source A wish I am a wish I am a wish I am a wish I am a way