There is this house upon this hill And I really like it, I really like it There are these folks, I really miss I wish they were here, I wish they were here And why does everything have to keep on changing, keep on changing I'd rather stay on this hill to see the water reflecting the sun Reflecting the sun, reflecting the sun There's many places where I have been And I really love it, really love it I wish the bliss that I have there Can it stay with me, can it stay with me As long as I live, I'll keep this going, keep on roaming But I still long for this hill, where I can stay, and I can see Just where this is going, just where this is going And those I miss, they are so dear Can I take them with me, can I take them with me To this house up on this hill We'll be together, we'll be together And why does everything have to keep on changing, keep on changing I'd rather stay on this hill to see the water reflecting the sun Yeah and why does everything have To keep on changing, keep on changing I'd rather stay on this hill to see the Water reflecting the sun, reflecting the sun Reflecting the sun, reflecting the sun