COMMENTARY You try to consolidate people's infedelities... Sex seen as a dope-type recreation, an inalienable diversion. .Or a technique to exalt the nearly always trampled female ego. "She feels reborn..." the guise of a fucking bitch. A parallel form of humiliation, in fact (this time) self-humiliation. And your pseudo-pornographic freedom won't stand up. Next door. Your profit's results spread like wildfire... The last uncontaminated feelings... rr thrown away, Spit down, straight down to your packed-out W.C. Love, friendship, respect, sincerity... rr out of fashion. SOMETIMES I NEED SOMEONE TO EMBRACE, NOT NECESSARILY SOMEONE TO FUCK. Next door. Your shitty sexist propaganda... Sponsored by falsity, exhibitionism and mental backwardness. But now... now I can feel the strongest will joining my rage, The will of smashing this shit down, the will of voicing my dissent Against your ignorance and mediocrity, The will of screamin' till I see blood pouring from my mouth...: Must destroy this sexist society!! Must destroy it!!!!!!!!!!!