In the bright sunny south in peace and content The days of my boyhood, I scarcely have spent From the deep flowing spring to the broad flowing stream Ever dear to my memory, and sweet is my dream ♪ I'll leave my confinement and comfort of life The danger of bloodshed, provision, and strife I've come to conclose and reply with my word As I shoulder my musket and billet my sword ♪ My father looked sad as he begged me to part And my mother embraced me with anguish of heart And my beautiful sister looked pale in her woe As she grabbed me and blessed me and told me to go ♪ Dear father, dear father, for me do not weep For on some high mountain, I mean for to sleep And the danger of war, I intend for to share And for sickness and death, I intend to prepare ♪ Dear mother, dear mother, for me do not weep For a mother's kind voice I ever will keep You have taught me be brave from a boy to a man And I'm going in defense of her own native land Dear sister, dear sister, I cannot tell the woe Your tears and your sorrow, they trouble me so I must be a-going for here I cannot stand For I'm going in defense of her own native land