A message sent in death then bow unto the king Kneeling in the dirt first blood Is drawn while posturing Slaughtering infinite leagues Of the Persian elite Laying testimony to mortality Behead the king of the Persian empire Consume the soul of Xerxes Slaughtering the armies of a million men The narrowing of the hot gates sheltering Ahura Mazda trembles, cowards by his feet Ahura Mazda is powerless, in protecting Xerxes Seven days of slaughter Like Zeus they stand tall By the power of a spartan king The Persian army will fall Forsake the land of Greece Ephialtes of Trachis Loyalty to Persia assured from the Trachinian cliffs Compromised position they pray to the Gods Overrun by numbers the Spartan army falls The water of the gulf running red With the blood of Greece The Persians descend, annihilating them Honouring the death of a spartan king