How could we sleep when we know that it's ending? We're awake 'cause there's no point in pretending There's a man with a beard waiting for us, Dressed in white with his angels in a . How could we sleep when we've made you a promise We'd be together? No we're not at all dishonest. So take our hands, come along to the black hole And take a ride. Let's go! How could we sleep knowing well that his judgment Never errs on the side of the conflict? You've gotta know that his mind's all but made up, So we escaped and now I can tell you're nervous, don't be, everything will be fine. Compelled to stay behind? I wish we could honey, but How could we sleep when the story isn't over? Whether or not there's a field full of clover We could run through in infinite elation, We'd always know that we missed the termination. How could we sleep having left you behind? Well, Aren't you glad that we came back to dispel All the rumors waiting for you on your death bed? And let you know the naked truth about them instead? I can tell you're nervous, don't be, everything will be fine. Compelled to stay behind? I wish we could honey, but Why dispel the notion that the singularity's Shine is all illusion? Maybe that's what heaven is Nevermind fuck your position, come on, why won't you just listen? Cause I'm guaranteeing there's no hope at all! Close your eyes and lose your consciousness; but no need to abandon it, Just step into the darkness, lean and fall. Crushed into oblivion, your sense of time collapsing in Will feel like never-ending, wait and see. I'm screaming so you'll listen! I'll say again, fuck your position! What do I have to say to make you believe me? I can tell you're nervous, don't be, everything will be fine. Compelled to stay behind? I wish we could honey, but Why dispel the notion that the singularity's Shine is all illusion? Maybe that's what heaven is