An open book in continual writings A manuscript of ancient times Archaic code sculpted in cellular matter Fragments of knowledge surviving through genetic duplication Never achieved structure of a substance Capable to demonstrate the way to create We are evolution We are the product Consequences of adaptation A transcript of early cognizance progressing through generations We are this assembly, an aggregate of relentless mutations The recipe for an absolute being is maybe written deep in genetic structures Encoding experience within the essence Memories of the ancients forever coded in the core of all cells Transferring heredity through the texture of DNA Genesis of unconscious strategic alterations To discover the real purpose of humankind Is to search deeply inside, Molecular landscape Existence is simply the awakening of genetic, inherited characteristics Given by nature Empowered by the sun Distinctive species encountering the common ancestor Parallel origins exposing an identical message Unfinished creations, a profound desire Expressed by the godly forces Foreign, mysterious conception Delivering the truth, advanced decryption We are evolution We are the product Immature organisms, limited creatures Fundamental ideas, irrelevant existence Natural selection We are evolution. Immature organisms, limited creatures, natural selection We are the product. Fundamental ideas, Irrelevant existence We are evolution We are the product Consequences of adaptation A transcript of early cognizance progressing through generations We are this assembly, an aggregate of relentless mutations Memories of the ancients forever coded inside of us Essential, to discover our true purpose