ROLLERBLADEYour eyes are brown Your sky is grey You gaze the sidewalks in your way You reel around the fountain Full of traffic spray You could be thin You could be white You could be dealing cellulite The crevices of plenty Leave you petrified Still you just rollerblade your life away Gliding through the people all day You're north on Main And high on rain You're amputaters favourite game You're turning on to Jesus and the Mary Chain That's where you rollerblade your life away Gliding through the people all day Just glide all day Just glide all day Your life of plastic Street gymnastics Throws another nuderground The frozen wheels of loveliness Just let you down Still you just rollerblade your life away Gliding through the people all day That's why you rollerblade your life away Gliding through the people all day Just rollerblade Rollerblade away Just rollerblade Rollerblade all day Just roll away