Wide-eyed and twenty-one, 'nother shot of Jameson To calm my nerves before this nightly masquerade What people saw as nonchalant, a complex conditioned response A chemical reaction, brown liquor and self-doubt So that I can stand up on this stage like a guilty child avoidin' blame I'd kick, I'd scream, I'd curse the names of the girls who walked away You see the man left holdin' the pen controls how every story ends And truth becomes a martyr for the sake of the song But I'm in a good place I'm a-walkin' that straight line I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs One day at a time ♪ For years the drinks were just a crutch until the drinks were just too much I guess it comes with the job: Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' roll You see songs fulfill a human need to stand back and watch another man bleed So for a moment, we don't have to feel sorry for ourselves And this imaginary confidence became the first line of defense If you don't let 'em in, boy, they'll never let you down But she broke through and took control, my sweetheart of the rodeo And for the first time I found somethin' I couldn't afford to lose Yeah I'm in a good place I'm a-walkin' that straight line I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs One day at a time ♪ Every now and then I miss the way that highball glass would kiss My lips like a long-lost love welcomin' me home But I don't miss the highs and lows The back-and-forth, the ebb-and-flow Of lettin' down the people who are standin' up for me Yeah I'm in a good place I'm a-walkin' that straight line I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs One day at a time I'm just gettin' along, rightin' these wrongs One day at a time