Five Minutes Can cost you a lot Maybe it all It could almost be looked at as innocent (Innocent) It could almost be seen as harmless and clean And the reasons could almost be understood So no Five Minutes Isn't a lot Five Minutes Can cost you a lot It's a breath of your life It's a trick of the clock It's the difference it makes to 2 lives maybe 3 Can make the snap of 2 fingers last An eternity Five Minutes, Five seconds, Five hours, Five days Turns the simple and clear into a wandering maze So no Five Minutes Isn't a lot Five Minutes Isn't a lot It's a second that got Out of hand A rouge in the order A minute to waste An incredibly boring old game ♪ Five Minutes Five Minutes Five Minutes Five Minutes Seen a thousand times since And a million before But it's different each time Than the game was before So no Five Minutes Five Minutes Five Minutes, Five seconds, Five hours, Five days Turns the simple and clear into a wandering maze So no Five Minutes Isn't a lot Five Minutes Isn't a lot Five Minutes, Five seconds, Five hours, Five days Turns the simple and clear into a wandering maze No no Five Minutes Isn't a lot Though I've said it before you'll know Five Minutes Can cost you a lot