Well, i wish that i could say I've rebelled some other way Than something that'll kill my mom someday But instead i line my lungs with tar And imagine what you'd say With spiteful satisfaction i take one more breath away I saw you cry the day you found that coupon in the mail It was addressed to your brother Advertising some brand of cigarettes I watched your heart break as you pictured his covered in sludge And held you while you asked me why and how he could do that to himself And you And your mom After he saw what it did to hers I didn't have an answer then -- i was just as lost as you were Now here i am asking myself the exact same fucking thing It's so hard to see the consequences You made it hard to see anything Another bum, another drag, another guilty cough I'll take myself away from you Instead of just taking off (like you) No, i'll do it brick by brick, breath by breath Or lack thereof I know you won't forgive me for this I know that shouldn't help