俺がマイク持ったのはTeenager 夢を見ていたら皆死んでいた あいつは10代やつは20代 Too fast to live too young to die Forever youngネバーランドはないし 言ったじゃん俺らはピーターパンじゃねぇ これから新たな花咲かせる 若さ浅はかさ馬鹿さ加減(back again) Yo 聞いてくれよ spit it out about myself 最近どうにかなっちゃいそうな my life But 自分の嫌いな自分になる前に 速攻でkill してくれる my buddies 辛い 嫌い 死にたいなんて言うよりも こいつらの為にラップして生きたいよ So 要らないshit は一箇所に集めてburn up そのままlet go 殺しちゃう break out You know it's not too late for us to make a change Let me see better days I know Slow it down (slow it down baby) Raise your hands up sky oh yeah 真っ向勝負 for everyday 無駄な駆け引きなんてI don't need 下手な小細工 That's out of style (Fresh & nice ついてこれないくらい) 真っ向勝負 for everyday I can't stop just take a chance さぁbreak the world (Break the world) I can't stop won't stop Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power Stay forever young Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power オーアー It's not over 俺は遊びじゃない缶蹴り 肩書きはなし始まりはBillie jean 枠にハマらねぇinput, Up date 何を誰にいわれたって Rather be dead than fool myself, (eh) Be humble (hold up) I can't let it go 好きに暴れるだけLike a John Rambo この俺の本気は嘘じゃないと 言えるようにステージ立つ今日も千% You know it's not too late for us to make a change Let me see better days I know Slow it down (slow it down baby) Raise your hands up sky oh yeah 真っ向勝負 for everyday 自惚れた口先だけno way 根拠のない自信 out of style (Fresh & nice ついてこれないくらい) 真っ向勝負 for everyday I can't stop just take a chance さぁbreak the world (Break the world) I can't stop won't stop Stay forever young Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power Stay forever young Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power I don't care, We gotta do it all Make a new day, get up say oh (oh) 力尽きそうでも we gotta do it all (Yeah I don't care, Imma do it all) I don't care, We gotta do it all Make a new day, get up say oh (oh) 力尽きそうでも we gotta do it all (Yeah I don't care, Imma do it all) 真っ向勝負 for everyday 無駄な駆け引きなんてI don't need 下手な小細工 That's out of style (Fresh & nice ついてこれないくらい) 真っ向勝負 for everyday I can't stop just take a chance さぁbreak the world (Break the world) I can't stop won't stop Stay forever young Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power Stay forever young Stay forever young Stay forever young I know we gotta the power