High heels I'm tired I'm Going to be barefoot barely crowded, Buried, invisible I can't even notice A Sloppy I don't notice a trivial happy miss I couldn't Grasp well I didn't even know the goodness I'm going to go far Enough Relationships that Can be broken by sight If possible Goodbye I'm alone One another Two lights off the city One two I'm old I Say "You're young, I can do anything" Words so painful I think every day thinking of the same thing Loop like a fool But it's all that's important Don't blame Don't blame The Next grass is too blue, cruel, it 'S wide open, I've Broken my rumney for the marbles I Wanted as a kid Remembering I'm glad I 'Ve always been broken glass fragments From being Kowase so if for what do you want Immeasurable Capa over in the event I can't move anymore I'm paralyzed as it is A Tic tac Clock moving to kun and kun 80 units of sinas rhythm I'm killing now Signal that will become blue signal people who start walking Still with high heels who never stop Pretending to be quiet, get on the wave, Ignorant being sinless innocent being sin someone's voice resounds I want to forget I can't forget it melts in the night I'm affirmed melancholy affirmed I can't be alone in this blue world