It's noon but you're still crippled by the covers. Another day alone. Because everything you love has either died or moved away. What's the point in waking up today? You have a resume or two to pass around. But it's been blank from 2003 until now. Except the year you spent waitressing through the breakfast shift. You quit it quick because you're too old to be treated like shit. It's okay to sleep away the pain of being old and tired. He calls you in the evening. You talk into the night. He's too far away to hold you. You met him on a site you found online passing the time. And it's been years since you've felt loved. You left both of your husbands because you couldn't stand the drugs. You don't trust enough to let someone else in. You've resolved to spend your life alone you won't marry again. It's okay to sleep away the pain of being old and tired.