When you think about it He's looking down to watch you leave yeah Deceive ya The second you've gone out He calls her up and out she trots and Hustles us Fake crying Gone flying Love lying The Wonderbolt and The Thief are lovers Stealing to prove they're not like the others Met at the Summer Sun Celebration Drunk all the booze at Twi's Corronation He watched the two mares talk They kissed and groped but mostly spoke In lust Crushed He couldn't make the call His wings were stiff from licking tongues Enough's enough Failed for once Fake crying Gone flying Love lying The Wonderbolt and The Thief are lovers Stealing to prove they're not like the others Met at the Summer Sun Celebration Drunk all the booze at Twi's Corronation Fake crying Gone flying Love lying The Wonderbolt and The Thief are lovers Stealing to prove they're not like the others Met at the Summer Sun Celebration Drunk all the booze at Twi's Corronation Saved what they stole to meet when the sun rose Place where they promised that they would propose Flew to Manehattan a new beginning Robbed all the ponies as they were singing Do dodo do do do Do dodo dodo do do Do dodo do do do Do dodo dodo do do