I want to be Every little woman's Perfect dream 'Cause I persist And I pretend To love My-self If everybody took the time To be forgotten Than everybody'd Never have to ever worry Or be Remembered You take a miniature man and put Him on the stove You turn up all the gas and he's Running back and forth He cherishes the cold with every Step of flame He wonders without knowing will His children call his name Oh his name (His name) I want you to Bear witness To my death ma'm 'Cause you just broke my Heart And I could never see What you meant When you said Look in the mirror From the start And everyday I grind my teeth Within my jagged Gums I bleed And I... Run up to you Forcing down All your food What a mess Get your dress Zip it up I must press You to hurry Hury such a flurry Of ideas come and scurry I cannot go I must stay for the show And I... Can taste you on my lips (I'm sucking on your fingers Such a salty snackit lingers) Rule you out On my taste buds It seems your flesh Has gotten past The point of smelling rotten Burning for you Tell me stories Crunching bones and Tying tendons Lacerate my one last wish Of bloody dream! Of good intentions! Freeze me up Throw me out My body cracks I hit the ground And all of this ends With your kiss! (Graghhhh)