Don't feel too bad for Heracles, though He always was a nasty piece of work But the wheel is turned And the second of the four locks slides open with a click Is it my turn now? Orpheus asks Staring at the small microphone in the center of the door Yeah, and this time, don't screw it up See, Heracles and Orpheus have worked together before Backing up Jason on the Fleece job But things had gone south, badly Hylas was your fault If you'd stuck to the plan he'd still be here Heracles is crimson with rage He had been very fond of Hylas Ariadne stops him before things escalate Calm yourself Now, Orpheus has a job to do So let him do it Heracles takes a breath Alright, but only out of respect for your old man He helped me out once Don't give me that bullshit We need the brat if this door is to be opened, so let him sing Orpheus takes out his lyre, and does exactly that