And so the ghouls agreed to return to the light And talk with their oldest foes While those seeking the Grail descended into ever deeper darkness Until they found themselves in a passageway, sealed up for centuries Leading to a door simply labelled "Captain" Unfortunately, as Bors and Percival had already discovered The automatic gun turrets guarding The place were still very much active Anyone approaching was swiftly shot to pieces Arthur was all but ready to abandon his mad quest Until he saw the gleam in Galahad's eyes "What are you going to do?" "I'm gonna do what I was chosen to do," And so Galahad stood and walked into the corridor The guns trained on the preacher and opened fire Say what you want about faith But it can have powerful effects on those who have it It can keep you from faltering as the bullets start to slam into you It can keep you walking as your legs are shot to bloody stumps It can keep you laughing as your Lungs are filled with shrapnel and lead It can keep you smiling as half your face is blown away It can keep a man like Galahad Standing tall until the guns clicked dry The door was not locked, And slid open without a sound as what Was left of Galahad fell to the floor From inside there came a pale blue glow In the centre of the room there stood a Lifepod with a motionless figure inside His uniform identified him as Captain Joseph Robert Mathea And in his hand he held the GRAIL It is a shame none of the Pendragons thought To check the logs also contained in that room They had much on how Fort Galfridean fell And perhaps have warned of the Terrible responsibility of holding the GRAIL