Not all of Galahad's brain fried revelations were fire and brimstone The station had also revealed to the padre the existence of a key Which would allow access to all of the station's systems Including engines which could move it away from its fiery fate This, the Galfridian Restricted Access Interface Login, or GRAIL Was located in the old Captain's cabin Many levels and days travel away Preparations were made to ride Did they believe Galahad? Maybe not, but he could be very persuasive And if right, they couldn't afford not to act The three Pendragons would lead the posse With Mordred and Gawain left in charge of Camelot Arthur's first thought was to leave Mordred in charge alone But the young man had always been reluctant To draw his piece and never relished violence His unknowing father had long mistaken this for weakness And, unfortunately, left Gawain to govern beside him That night, the three lovers drank the Evening away in the Joyous Gard, the town saloon Before the next morning riding into the wastes To chase Galahad's prophecy