Rose, rose, rose red Will I ever see thee wed? I will marry at thy will, Sir, at thy will Ding dong, ding dong Wedding bells on an April morn Carve thy name on a moss covered stone On a moss covered stone Rose, rose, rose red She has fought and she has bled Waging war on a hundred worlds, on a thousand battlegrounds Open fire, open fire Turn your home to a funeral pyre All she knows is pain and death and a moss covered stone Rose, rose, rose red Eternity will see her dead Always marching on to fight to another bitter end Open fire, open fire The flames of war can still burn higher Carve that as your epitaph on your moss covered stone Rose, rose, rose red Will I ever see thee wed? I will marry at thy will, Sir, at thy will Ding dong, ding dong Wedding bells on an April morn Carve thy name on a moss covered stone On a moss covered stone