Now to him, Who is able To do exceedingly more Above all we ask Above all we think Abundance exceedingly more To him be the glory To him be the power Forever and ever amen To all generation's To those in Christ Jesus Forever and ever amen Now to him, who is able To keep you from falling away To make you to stay Stand in his presence To stand without fault or blame To him be the glory To him be the power Forever and ever amen To all generation's To those in Christ Jesus Forever and ever amen Now to him who Who is able To do exceedingly more Above all we ask Above all we think Abundant exceedingly more To him be the glory To him be the power Forever and ever amen To all generation's To those in Christ Jesus Forever and ever amen Lord to you be the glory You be the power Forever and ever amen To all generation's To those in Christ Jesus Forever and ever amen amen