So, it's right after a march I'm on Marietta street at the intersection Right by the park And civil unrest is obviously brewing Suddenly, a rock crashes through a window Then another one Then another one And before I know it, cars are on fire Stores are being smashed and looted Glass is shattering Tear gas canisters are flying left and right Kaos So I go buy a lil' Rita to sip on Roll a blunt to smoke And have a seat in the park To watch it all burn And as I'm watching what feels like society unraveling I start thinking about ostmackor i tomma glassbyttor You know, flashbacks till fridluftsdagar på Ormberget Du vet, dom andra kidsen va värsta slalomexperterna Zooming down the hill ba, piew piew piew Meanwhile, I had to borrow my step grandpas Uråldriga längdskidor Shoes that looked like black duck feet That I had to strap into the skis Through a rat trap-looking contraption So while I'm watching the other kids Race down the hill, then lift back up in repeat I began to wonder if that's its own kind of trap And I thought, you know what? Y'all can keep that. If you need me, I'll be in the woods Piew, piew, piew, piew ... If I had a gun I would shoot your punk-ass Hahaha Piew That's the exact sound I was back here making Din stjärna tändes tidigt Överallt fann du en scen Du dansade en dröm Under gatlyktornas sken Och när jag hinner se tillbaka Har jag svårt att reda ut Allt det där som aldrig hände Ifrån det som tagit slut