(The latest rage for kids is Driving parents and entire Neighborhoods crazy.) (I can't concentrate when it goes On for-for, you know, hours.) (Hours!) (Some neighbors are saying "Way too loud.") (It makes me sad, That it's gonna go away. It's not going away.) (It makes me sad That it's gonna go away. It's not going away.) Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Only buzzin' 'cause my tape Hasn't dropped yet. (Yeah) Cause my tape hasn't dropped Yet. Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Cause my tape hasn't dropped Only buzzin' 'cause my tape Hasn't dropped yet. (Yeah) Cause my tape hasn't dropped Yet. (Yeah) (It's only the chorus of this Tape we saw, we think that judging By the end of the week, it was a little bit more of An issue. They played a lot of the graphic Music.) (I've lead to a weekend with More than a dozen noise complaints.) (It makes me sad That it's gonna go away. It's not going away.) (It started 'bout 10: 30 at Night on f-uh, Friday night. Jeff Peace responded, spoke To the people that were-uh, uh, runnin' the show. Uh-they agreed to turn it down. Appears the second we walked away, They turned it back up.) End