Everything that was said Was indefensible in my head An ill-conceived attempt At some dreamt self-validation Not based at all on the bed that we had laid in And I won't forget your face when I said... I thought I'd need you The way you said you'd always need me Now I see through Everything Everything If opaque was the word that you would use When it came to my views I guess the term "best friends" wears off like a bruise Is that the truth Or am I just getting used to it? Is that what we do When the grip of love is loosening? I've tried to make amends With intentions to be friends But you told me hollow compliments Meant a definite end I burned all of the pictures in my closet If there's a peace of mind to find in this, then I have lost it It's gone It's gone It's gone It's gone Everything that had been said Was indefensible in my head It was an ill-conceived attempt At some dreamt self-validation It's no use It's no use It's no use When the grip on everything we had has loosened