Three o'clock in the afternoon Someone shouts in a crowded room "Will somebody talk to me?" All kinds of people gathered there To me they all seemed unaware Of their own presence there How would they notice him? Rain falls from a cloudy sky And on the sidewalk I decide This is my peeping day That it's my happy day So I turned the corner saying: "What am I supposed to do?" Every day is fresh and new Locked up in a room full of flowers Now I'm just passing through "Hey baby, where do you wanna go?" He said and turned up the radio But she had her earphones on Listening to a better song And I'm smiling to myself thinking What is she supposed to do? Drive around the world with you With a bag of batteries and a walkman? Well, maybe she would What is he supposed to do Watch the TV show with you Locked up in a room full of flowers Sorry, I'm just passing through And everybody on the street Acted like they were on TV And I thought "Hey! We're living in an image factory" Choose who you wanna be But the facelift doesn't come free What am I supposed to do Everyday is fresh and new Used to be locked up in a room full of flowers Now I'm just passing through What am I supposed to do Watch the TV show with you Locked up in a room full of flowers No, I'll just be passing through